

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 7 months ago

GtkRadiant 1.4

How to install GtkRadiant 1.4 for use with Tremulous in Windows 32.



Installing the editor


Open GtkRadiantSetup-1.4.0-Q3RTCWET.exe and follow the instructions. You may install GtkRadiant anywhere you choose. Default paths may be left for all games. At the Setup Type screen choose Custom. Uncheck every game you do not wish GtkRadiant to support (including Quake III Arena). Continue on until installation completes.


Note: Almost all files which follow can no longer be directly downloaded due to hosts going offline. If you require the files PM Survivor at the forums and we will work something out.


Setting up the editor


For the purposes of this guide we will assume that you have installed Tremulous to a directory named Tremulous/ (Example: c:/Program Files/Tremulous/) and that you have installed GtkRadiant to a directory named GtkRadiant-1.4/ (Example: c:/Program Files/GtkRadiant-1.4/).



The ".game" file


The .game file allows GtkRadiant to include Tremulous in its game list. This file belongs in your GtkRadiant-1.4/games directory. Create this directory if it does not already exist. Inside this directory create a text document named trem.game. The contents of this file should be as follows:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>



enginepath="<path to Tremulous>/"

gametools="<path to Tremulous>/radiant-1.4/"







An example file can no longer be downloaded.


Remember that you need to customize this file! In specific the path to Tremulous sections.


If after all this Tremulous does not show up in the dropdown list check if the .game file hasn't been saved as trem.game.txt due to hidden extensions.

Showing hidden extensions is done by going to Start Menu> Settings> Control Panels> Folder Options.

Select the view tab and check "show hidden files and folders" while unchecking "hide file extensions for known file types". Click OK and check the trem.game file.



The project file


The project file contains a number of important paths as well as compiler command-lines. This file belongs in your tremulous/base/scripts/ directory. Create this directory if it does not already exist. Inside this directory create a text document named default_project.proj. (NOTE: If you name your project file something other than default_project.proj you will have to select your project file on each successive run).


The contents of this file should be as follows:


<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!DOCTYPE project SYSTEM "project.dtd">


<key name="user_project" value="1"/>

<key name="brush_primit" value="0"/>

<key name="mapspath" value="<path to Tremulous>/base/maps/"/>

<key name="autosave" value="<path to Tremulous>/base/maps/autosave.map"/>

<key name="texturepath" value="<path to Tremulous>/base/textures/"/>

<key name="entitypath" value="<path to Tremulous>/base/scripts/entities.def"/>

<key name="remotebasepath" value="<path to Tremulous>/base/"/>

<key name="rshcmd" value=""/>

<key name="basepath" value="<path to Tremulous>/base/"/>

<key name="version" value="1"/>



An example file can no longer be downloaded.


Remember that you need to customize this file! In specific the path to Tremulous sections.


The "synapse.config" file


Because GtkRadiant does not natively support Tremulous, there are a number of necessary files missing. GtkRadiant 1.4 requires a file called synapse.config to function. This file should be placed in your Tremulous/radiant-1.4/ directory. Create this directory if it does not already exist.


synapse.config can no longer be downloaded.



Common files


A number of other missing files will also need to be supplied for GtkRadiant to run. These files can be downloaded in a zip file here.


This zip file contains:

  • entities.def: Entity definition file with all the tremulous specific entities.
  • common-spog.pk3: Contains all the editor images for the common shaders.
  • common.shader: All the common shaders, caulk, nonsolid, nodraw, etc.
  • shaderlist.txt: Lists all the shaders to be loaded by the editor and q3map2.


Extract this archive to Tremulous/base/.


If everything is in the right place you should find common-spog.pk3 in Tremulous/base/. The rest of the files, entities.def', common.shader and shaderlist.txt, should be in Tremulous/base/scripts/.



Running & configuring the editor


Upon running the editor for the first time you should be confronted by a window asking you to select a game. If you have performed the steps in The ".game" File correctly then you should be able to select Tremulous from the drop-list. Optionally check off Auto load selected game on startup to avoid seeing this window again on each successive run. Click OK to continue.


If you did not name your project file default_project.proj, the next window you see will be a small error dialog alerting you that GtkRadiant failed to load the default project file. Click OK and in the following window point to the project file you created in Tremulous/base/scripts/. Unless you created a project file named default_project.proj in Tremulous/base/scripts/ you will have to select your project file each time you start GtkRadiant.


GtkRadiant should now run successfully and stay open.


From here you can modify program settings by either selecting Preferences from the Edit menu or by simply pressing P.


At this point you should be able to begin mapping using the textures included with the default Tremulous maps.

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