
Console Commands

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 8 months ago

In-game console commands for testing a map.


Quake 3 Arena Console Commands


Here are a few lists of Quake 3 Arena console commands. Most of these will function in Tremulous as well.




Tremulous/Mapping related Console Commands


These commands are case-insensitive. They must be preceded by a / when executed in-game. Many are cheat-protected and will require cheats to be enabled.


Variables may be set in your command line using +set. Example: tremulous.exe +set sv_pure 0.

Commands my be executed from the command line by appending + to the front. Example: tremulous.exe +devmap <map name>.

A common command line for local map testing is: tremulous.exe +set sv_pure 0 +devmap <map name>


sv_pure 1/0 - enable/disable .pk3 check against server. Should be disabled for local map testing.

devmap <map name> - runs map with cheats enabled.


bind <key/button> "cmd" - binds any command to a button.


r_showtris 1/0 - enable/disable drawing of triangle edges.

r_speeds 1/0 - enable/disable display of rendering speeds.

r_lockpvs 1/0 - lock/unlock vis data.


cg_drawFPS 1/0 - enable/disable frame rate counter.

cg_drawtimer 1/0 - enable/disable timer.

cg_draw2d 1/0 - enable/disable drawing of 2d graphics such as the HUD.

cg_drawgun 1/0 - enable/disable drawing of your equiped weapon model.

cg_thirdperson 1/0 - enable/disable chase-cam view.

cg_thirdpersonangle # - sets chase-cam viewing angle.

cg_thirdpersonrange # - sets chase-cam distance from player.


g_humanstage 0/1/2 - sets human stage. 0 corresponds to stage 1.

g_alienstage 0/1/2 - raise alien stage. 0 corresponds to stage 1.

give funds # - gives credits/evolve points equal to #.


g_gravity # - sets world gravity (default 800).


god - toggles invulnerability.

noclip - toggles ability to fly through walls. does not work as a spectator.

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